“The Irish Games Community welcomes you to come, chill and hang out on an Island. Switch off your computer and think and talk about games differently for a while. Stress-less activities, open sessions and a rad setting, for a small and cosy weekend of rediscovery. Also, tea.”
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/507913632648318
Website: http://www.inisspraoi.org
Potential events include:
– “Race for the Ferry”, Thursday
Try to make it to the Ferry on time, 6.45pm, to make it to the island. This is important!
– Improvisation Workshop
Introductory workshop covering the basics of improvisation including teamwork, being in the moment, spontaneity, storytelling etc. Aimed at complete beginners.
– Bike Geotagging
Rent some bikes and find the Island’s geocaches.
– Yoga & Meditation
A one hour yoga session in the morning. Outdoors if possible, light stretching, movement and meditation. Will also contain a few occult oddments to keep you on your toes. Beginners welcome.
– Friday afternoon tea, movie and boardgames.
Including “The Ickle Inish Netrunner tournament “
– “The Late Late Show”
Evening of BBQ, and story telling after the 9pm watershed.
– Found material jam
Go to the east beach or elsewhere and comb for new materials for an unplugged jam later in the day.
– “Inish talk”
A 2 hour unconference under the sun. Anyone can submit to talk or listen.
– Photo Thunderdome
Everyone takes photos all weekend but you may only enter one photo into THE THUNDERDOME. Winner gets a round of high fives from everybody. Many photos enter one photo leaves!
– Close of the festival
Including a post-dinner session of folk and physical games, and even some late night games such as Weeping Angels.