What’s up? – #1

This week’s links, interesting articles, indie game releases, deadlines for festivals/ submissions etc. Articles: “Four Types of Videogame Tragedy” by Line Hollis – where she “discusses some games that pull…

Links round up #1

As I am spreading my link love on different social media outlets, I figured I would try and continue my linkdump and collect them in an irregularly scheduled digest post.…

Molyjam 2012 – quick link dump

If you want to follow what is going on with Molyjam 2012, here are a few quick links: [list type=star] Worldwide: Official Website: http://www.whatwouldmolydeux.com/ Livestreams: http://www.twitch.tv/event/molyjam List of Molydeux’s tweets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmKS9o_SW0ovdHZDYWVHb0lOa1NJV3FST3h3UGFOTFE#gid=0 Selected tweets…