A MAZE. / Berlin 2024
Silent Green Gerichtstraße 35, BerlinA MAZE. / Berlin is the annual arthouse games and playful media festival. A MAZE. / Berlin invites the globally diverse experimental and independent games and playful media scene to…
A MAZE. / Berlin is the annual arthouse games and playful media festival. A MAZE. / Berlin invites the globally diverse experimental and independent games and playful media scene to…
The Overkill 2023 - Theme: The Outburst of the Digital Swamp Welcome to the Meta-swamp Rather than draining the (digital)wetlands, The Overkill wishes to design a route through its intoxicating…
Looking for more game industry events?
Check Jurie Horneman’s excellent gameconfs directory.
Looking for festival submission deadlines?
Have a look at the excellent promoter app calendar.
Events for the Dutch industry:
Game Industrie Kalender / DGG / Courage Events