This weekend I will be at the Different Games conference in New York to talk about ‘Invitations to Play – Playful Culture in Europe’ in my keynote.
Different Games is ‘an annual student and volunteer-lead conference on diversity and inclusivity in games’. They ‘seek to build new connections and foster a unique dialogue between artistic, academic and commercial practice’.
In my travels to different experimental game festivals and playful events throughout Europe the past few years I’ve been honored to meet a lot of different curators, organizers, creative individuals and collectives. All of them are doing super interesting work, either on the fringes or by trying to incorporate more playfulness into the daily lives of people or by bringing awareness to games as a meaningful medium to a broader audience.
In my talk I will share a few highlights with the audience of Different Games.
I am looking forward to meet everyone at the conference and surrounding events, listen to all the stories and play different games. The line-up of speakers and games promises that the conference will be an amazing experience.