PAF14 – Open Call Playful Projects
Playful Arts Festival is an initiative of bART (soon WOT) and zo-ii. For Playful Arts Festival 2014 (19-22 June 2014) we are looking for playful projects to showcase and experience…
Playful Arts Festival is an initiative of bART (soon WOT) and zo-ii. For Playful Arts Festival 2014 (19-22 June 2014) we are looking for playful projects to showcase and experience…
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “CounterPlay14” on Storify</a>]
[<a href=”//″ target=”_blank”>View the story “AMaze2014” on Storify</a>]
I will be flying off to San Francisco this week for the Game Developers Conference 2014 taking place in Moscone next week. One of the hats I will be wearing…
This weekend the first Games [4Diversity] Jam EU will take place in Amsterdam. I’m honored organizer Menno Deen invited me as keynote speaker to inspire the participants. The talk is titled…
At Control Gamelab about Global Game Jam NL 2014, I spoke briefly about the thoughts and ideas behind the worldwide Global Game Jam in my role as GGJ Executive Director.…
Quite a few people in game criticism, curation and game creation are taking to Patreon to fund their work. Think of it as Kickstarter for the individual producing regular content…
In September I was invited by Chloe Varelidi to give a talk about playful culture at the play festival Athens Plaython in Greece. The first day consisted of talks from…
28 September saw the fourth edition of the annual INDIGO showcase by Dutch Game Garden. The event showcases the best and latest games made in the Netherlands. Each year it…
During the first two days of August, an international group of people gathered together in ‘s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands to show (and talk about) prototypes for the Bosch Art Game…